Advantages of Invisalign

If you need braces, you’re most likely aware of a new orthodontic technology called Invisalign that is an alternate choice over traditional bracket-and-wire braces. Invisalign are custom created to neatly pop over your teeth and gradually realign them to an ideal bite. The biggest draw to Invisalign is the fact that they are virtually invisible, but Invisalign has several other advantages that you may not be fully aware of.

No Dietary Restrictions

With traditional braces, you have to avoid hard foods, such as corn and hard candies, as there is a risk that these foods could break a bracket. You also have to avoid super sticky foods, such as caramel, as they can also break brackets or get stuck in them, which will cause tooth discoloration and possibly decay.

With Invisalign, you have to remove the device before you eat anyway, so you are free to eat whatever you want. Just remember to brush your teeth before you put it back in!

Easy Cleaning

One reason why so many people suffer from staining and tooth discoloration after they get their braces removed is because it’s really difficult to clean in between the brackets and between the teeth and the wires. Even flossing can be an absolute nightmare. Since Invisalign is removable, brushing and flossing your teeth is literally a snap. Pop out the device, brush and floss your teeth, and snap it back in.

Fewer Side Effects

As previously mentioned, one of the side effects of traditional braces is tooth discoloration. Unfortunately, this isn’t the only possible side effect. Braces can often be painful and uncomfortable, and not just while they’re adjusting your teeth. Some people have developed mouth ulcers where the brackets rub against the inner lips or where the tongue runs along them. In addition, since braces require on-going adjustments throughout treatment, wearers usually experience the same pressure and pain they experienced when the braces were originally placed.

Since Invisalign fits neatly over your teeth, they will not cause mouth ulcers. Invisalign also works very gradually, so most wearers feel little to no discomfort when they initially wear them.

Invisalign can correct several problems with your teeth, including spacing, overcrowding, overbite, underbite, and the like, but not everyone can be a candidate. If you need braces, be sure to talk to your dentist and orthodontist to see if this is a viable option for you. There are too many advantages over traditional braces to not ask.

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